Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Spirit Warriors Training Script. (Recruit Private)

Here is the recruit private training script. Only Corporal of the Army through Sergeant Senior is expected to train recruits!

SW Training Script

>Welcome to basic training, I am [Rank][Name].
>For Training I expect no talking or moving unless permission is given.
>You have joined SW, a new military on habbo that is expected to be somewhat small for now.
>I will take questions at the end of every section, understood?
[Make sure they all have answered before continuing.]
>There are four rank groups of SW, the go like this:
>These are the bulk of SW, they are responsible for recruiting and eventually training.
>They wear a white shirt and black basketball shorts
>Call them by rank or name
>Non-Commissioned Officers;
>These people have more control in the military, but not much. They control raids and small drill squadrons, while responsible for MSTs (Military Specialty Trainings).
>They wear a white shirt with the numbers one through five specifying which NCO class they are in.
>Always call them sir or ma’am.
>These are similar to officers, they have more control, and gain rights to all rooms, opposed to the NCOs having only some rights.
>They control large drill squadrons and major raids, along with NCOEs (NCO Evaluations) and LACGs (Long Associated Control Groups)
>They wear a black shirt and long black pants
>Call them sir or ma’am
>General Cabinet
>These are the people with the most force in SW.
>They control the military to make it run properly.
>They wear suits of any color and numbers one through 6 for the status of their rank.
>For example, One has control over Enlisted, NCOs, and Officials
>Two Has control over lower ranks AND one…
>Any questions?
>Congratulations, you have passed basic training BUT
>There are two things you must do before you leave.
>One, put a zero on the back of your shirt and make your motto: [SW] Recruit Private [Promo Tag]
>Then follow the blog at this link:
>When you are promoted to private, you will receive a more extensive training.

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